
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Catherine Gross of "A Place in Your Heart" BTR Show: Interviews Cadeflaw

CADEflaw Advocates: Speakers Karen Kmiecik and Mary Brookins

Friday, July 15 · 3:00pm - 6:00pm
A Place in Your Heart Radio
Created By
ForA Place in Your Heart
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Words are powerful, and leave their effects long after they have been uttered. It is reprehensible to continue to damage a person's REPUTATION by promoting rumor, innuendo, gossip and sensationalism as fact; after a person is deceased and can no longer speak or protect themselves.

We are the VOICES behind the Cadeflaw. We will no longer passively accept the disrespectful and cruel assassination of those deceased. Freedom of speech is a right that we all enjoy, but with it comes responsibility and accountability. We each have a duty to be honest, fair and balanced in what we say or write and should be prepared to present proof. Out of the mouths of two or three witnesses LET every word be established; and let those witnesses be credible.

Join us while we lobby for a bill that will "Protect and Preserve" the Legacy of the Deceased. Let's "Make That Change". Thank You.

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