
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Did YOU Know?

Did YOU Know?

It's NOT about US. It's NOT about ME.

It's NOT about YOU.

It's NOT about FAME.

It's NOT about FORTUNE.

It's NOT about JUSTICE.

It's NOT about REVENGE.


It's NOT about who gets the CREDIT. 

It's ABOUT "Protecting and Preserving" the Legacies of these people. ARE YOU ANGRY ENOUGH TO SUPPORT the Anti-Defamation Legacy Law Initiative by asking your two U.S. Senators and the President of the United States, to author and pass an "Anti-Defamation Legacy Law? These people are worth the effort. #AdLLawInitiative

There has been an orchestrated plan to destroy Michael Jackson’s reputation, in this earth, since 1993, and it has NOT STOPPED even in death. WHEN WILL IT STOP? It won’t unless we ask our two U.S. Senators and the President of the United States to support the #AdLLawInitiative by authoring and passing a law; to give the family members of the deceased a law to sue those who defame their deceased relatives.

The beautiful photos are NICE. The projects are BEAUTIFUL and well deserved, but they won’t mean a thing if the general public, globally, continue to believe that Michael Jackson was a child molester; that Trayvon Martin’s death was a good thing because he was a gangster; that former First Lady Betty Ford was a whore; that God hated Steve Jobs, Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder, Army Spc. Carrie L. French and Whitney Houston was a “crack-head whore” as well as some other horrific things many deceased has been named since their death.

Did you know that Bill SB 131 to Extend Statute of Limitations - Child Molestation, is new law set to go into effect as scheduled on Jan. 1, 2014, if CA Governor does not veto it?   New Law As of January 1, 2014

Did you know thaSB 131 gives alleged as well as real victims a causal connection window of five years as opposed to the existing three-year period to file a lawsuit after the date of discovery by a mental health professional that their psychological trauma is indeed linked to their childhood sexual abuse? SB 131 Analysis  

Did you know that SB 131 (Beall) was amended on May 2, 2013 and the hearing date was on May 7, 2013?  

Did you know that Wade Robson filed his claim on May 1, 2013 and has been granted a court date in June of 2014?  Wade Robson Files Molestation Claim

Wade's lawyer also mentions a psychiatrist who treated Wade -- the doctor is a leader in the field of child psychology. NO OFFENSE TOWARD THOSE WHO ARE REAL VICTIMS, BUT IS THIS REALLY A COINCIDENT? CA SB 131 was amended on May 2, 2013; one day after Wade Robson filed his claim and the bill is amended to read what Wade Robson needed to file a late claim.

This bill should be enforced for those who sincerely need it but not for anyone to file bogus claims. This is really a tender situation for those who are REAL victims.  It is very difficult to attack a bill that should have been enforced a long time ago, but really Wade Robson. I support this bill but I do NOT support those who use something worthy for financial gain because they can.  This bill is intended to support REAL victims. Conveniently Mr. Robson did NOT remember being molested as he was the “Star” witness for Michael Jackson’s defense at the 2005 trial.

Many of us are well acquainted with being molested, as children and adults, and we support the amending of this law and the victims, but we cannot support those who use something intended for real victims to benefit those who use it for financial gain.

There is no “Magic Wand” to make this disappear and it won’t go away because YOU choose to ignore it.  WE have to come TOGETHER to make this happen or at least make a mighty loud noise about it.

The Anti-Defamation Legacy Law Advocates (AdLLaw) is a non-profit, charitable and advocacy organization which wants to have a U.S. law passed allowing for family members of defamed deceased people to sue for civil damages.
Even the non-famous can be targets which mean that we and our loved ones are at risk.
The law protects the likeness and image of a person dead or alive, and the same should hold true for their reputation.

Twitter… @CADEFLAW

Submitted by: MJ Brookins
November 9, 2013